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Difference between IP Touch 4008 single port and 4008 LAN and PC Port

Posted: 11 Aug 2022 09:55
by juankrlos
Good morning.

We have a hotel with 650 rooms in the Caribbean using IPTouch in the 4008. Back in 2020 when covid started, we were forced to turn off everything. At the moment of the re-opening, most phones starting to do a loop in the boot and never worked again. According to our vendor, the problem was physical due to the humidity and the sets had to be replaced.

Long story short, I want to know how many phones I have replaced so far without goign thruogh the 650 rooms. I noticed the "new" sets have 2 ports (PC and LAN) the old ones only have one Ethernet port.

Is there any way i can tell what's new and old? I am attaching the list of the phones and mac address if that helps.

Thank you