8068s default password not accepted

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8068s default password not accepted

Post by sThomas »

Dear colleagues,
I have switched my 8068s from NOE to SIP and cannot access to the admin settings because it does not accept the default password. I can therefore no longer switch to NOE back again. Is there a possibility to reset the device to the delivery state so that it accepts the standard password 123456 again?

I found this on https://www.aledevice.com/site/faq?cata ... ode_page=7 but it doesn´t work.
Administrator password is used to login phone web UI or the advanced settings on phone LCD side, but for some management requirements, this password is just for the phone manager, what can we do if the admin password has been changed and forgotten?

How to Resolve
1.Check with your phone provider to see if there is any default password changed.
2.If there is no special default password, please try to factory reset the phones to get the default password:
Cloud Edition Phone:

During boot up phase step 1, press key 1,3,7,9 at the same time, then input “*46*46*253*” to reset the phone to factory settings.

Any ideas??
need help soon!
Thanks in advanced
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