OTMC-V visual maibox

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OTMC-V visual maibox

Post by munzik »

Hi all,

I have few question, if somebody knows :

I set voice mailbox on ext.4111 ( 8038phone) , then when I leave message , I didn´t see light on envelope. When I push envelope/mailbox ,I see message 2/2 ,then I would like to play message and I give message ´no answer ´ ...( I heard nothing all the time)
when I call to OTMC through TUI, I can heard messages

How can I switch on LED notification for OTMC voicemailbox ? And why I didnt heard nothing through phone GUI ?

and next question important for us : Is it possible to supervised virtual voicemailbox on OTMC through phone GUI ? ( now we have HG with collective VM and each from HG can play no 4645 through voicemail supervision message from collective VM)

thanks for your answers

Re: OTMC-V visual maibox

Post by munzik »

Hi , something we solved..

1: we had a wrong node set somewhere in OTMC and fault with ´no answer´and LED notitication solved

2: in new OTMC voicemail is immpossible to supervised virtual voicemailbox through phone GUI (visual mailbox on IP4038) , so you can only lissten voice guide - TUI - :-/ ... so OTMC is worse then 4645, because you can´see number, who called you to voicemail
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